Tanyard FarmPatrick Durr Associates has experienced another busy and successful month culminating in four applications approved in one week via Swale Borough Council, Wealden District Council and Maidstone Borough Council.

One application at Swale Borough Council had been “called-in” to Planning Committee for deliberation due to local concerns. Following a well balanced debate and on site discussions, we were happy to secure an approval 9:6 in our favour.

In addition to this, we are pleased to report another successful agricultural building to dwelling conversion granted by Wealden District Council under permitted development rights. This has ultimately provided the client with three new dwellings at their former fruit farm and greatly changes the fortunes of the property.

This was Patrick Durr Associates’ 20th (out of 20) dwelling achieved under the permitted development provision!

Contact Patrick Durr Associates if you would like to be part of similar planning success.